
Airport Meals to the Rescue

Here are three quick, cheap and delicious meals to stay healthy while traveling:
1.) Tuna Salad and Crackers:

Do this the night before you go:

In a bowl combine 1 tuna packet, 1 squirt of miracle whip light, 1 squirt mustard. Mix together and put in Tupperware. Put in fridge. In a small baggie, pack 20 kashi crackers. Set on top of tuna in fridge. In the morning, get out the lunch box and put in an ice pack, tuna salad, 1 light cheese stick, kashi crackers, an apple and about 10 almonds. Bring with you and eat in airport or on plane. There’s no liquids or gels in this lunch so you can get through security fine. If you wanted to though, you could not pack the cheese stick and instead buy a yogurt from starbucks on the other side of security.

Bring a LaraBar for a snack.
Buy a bottle of water after security.


Stick a pouch of tuna, a banana and a LaraBar
in your bag. At the airport, buy a regular side salad from somewhere. No dressing, no cheese, no meat. JUST the lettuce! Put the tuna over the salad and eat with the banana and larabar on the side. I recommend keeping this little packets of tuna with you because they are great “emergency food”.

2.) Easy Easy Peanut Butter Sandwich:

The night before you go:

Make a sandwich with 2 slices whole wheat bread, peanut butter and a one sliced banana. Pack in tin foil then put in baggie and set in fridge. In another small container, pack 1/2 cup cottage cheese. In the morning, put the sandwich, cottage cheese and an apple in your lunchbag and bring with you to the airport. Eat before you go through security. Bring a LaraBar for a snack and a bottle of water.

3.) Emergency Lunch:

You don’t have any time at all and are about to skip a meal (lunch or dinner). STOP! Find a Starbucks, buy a yogurt and banana. Eat it with a Kashi granola bar or a LaraBar (I recommend you stash a couple Larabars in your bag so they will always be there when you travel and you don’t have to remember to pack them). With this “meal” you are getting some dairy, fruit, carbs and healthy fats instead of lowering your metabolism (and you’re mood!!) by not eating at all. And—you are being much smarter and healthier than most Americans that would hit the airport burger king in a situation like this. If starbucks doesn’t sell yogurts, buy a grande non-fat decaf latte.

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  • Julz
    February 7, 2008 at 4:03 pm

    Greetings from the East Coast! 0F C0URSE I must start out (as everyone does) by saying I AD0RE Y0UR BL0G! It’s FABU! I am currently a student, myself, but after I finish my undergrad I want to go to culinary school and go into some sort of Culinary Psychology/Food Psychology, and your blog makes me realize more and more how much food D0ES, in fact, affect how we feel mentally/emotionally and not just physically! So THANK YOU!!! =]

    0KAY, so now down to the nitty-gritty. My best friend goes to University of Charleston and ABS0LUTELY L0VES IT!!! It’s her birthday this weekend, and as a surprise, I am flying tomorrow morning to surprise her and will be there this weekend…For the FIRST TIME! I’m crazy excited, but wanted to ask you questions about where you would recommend running…This seems strange, but I, like you, run for the breathing/meditation aspects and I L0VE IT! My best friend does too…WHat are some of the most beautiful/scenic places to run in the area? AND what are some things that I MUST D0? And last but not least, [although this seems silly] what’s the dress like [casual, not?] ? hahaha…I can’t ask her so I need another opinion and I know you went to C0FC!

    Thanks so much! L0VE AND CHEER,

    [PS] I would’ve emailed you, but I couldn’t find the link…sorry