
Airport Adventures…

So, today I’m traveling up to Wisconsin (aka the Arctic) from sunny Orlando. I’m visiting some family for the weekend but of course, I packed some healthy snacks to get me by! This morning I was supposed to run 9.5 miles for my half-marathon training but stopped after 6 because of my shin splints. I think I’m going to have to take a week off of running because they were throbbing today…the race is def. not worth getting injured! I need to be more careful. Before I left on my 6:30 am run I had a quick piece of toast with a smear of organic peanut butter and raspberry jam. I took 8 ounces of accelerade with me but only ended up drinking about 4 ounces of it midway through my run. My handy heart monitor said I burned about 770 calories! That’s a ton and I’m trying to eat a lot of healthy food today to make up for the loss since I’m just trying to MAINTAIN my weight, not lose any.

When I returned from my run I had a big breakfast. I made an with 1/3 cup “Scottish Porridge Oats” (you can use old fashioned quaker but I prefer the chew of these!), 1/3 cup egg whites, 1/2 tsp baking powder and a dash of vanilla and cinnamon. Into the batter I also mixed 1/2 mashed banana. I baked it on the griddle for a few minutes til it puffed up then topped it with the other half of my banana (mashed), 10 grams of toasted walnut halves and a little drizzle of maple syrup. I also made a quick smoothie with 4 ounces plain nonfat organic yogurt, 4 ounces skim milk and 4 ounces frozen strawberries. Plus one splenda for sweetness :). Now, THAT was a great breakfast! And it kept me going for the next couple hours, no problem! My breakfast, including the pre-workout toast and accelerade I drank while running totaled about 600 calories. Nothing like starting the day with a great healthy meal!!

After I ate, I packed my lunch to take to the airport. Now, some people might think its odd that I packed a lunch to take even though its a HUGE airport with a million food options. Not me!!! I wanted a great healthy meal and knew that I could not in any way depend on the airport food to do that for me. So, I saved money and calories by packing.

Here’s what was in my lunchbox:

4 ounces 1% cottage cheese
1 chopped bosc pear
Peanut butter sandwich made with 2 slices of sprouted grain bread and 1 tbsp natural peanut butter with a smear of organic raspberry preserves
2 tbsp hummus
1 sliced red pepper for dipping in my hummus


a tiny piece of organic dark chocolate for dessert!

(I could tell, everyone was jealous!)

My lunch totaled around 530 calories…pretty good for all the yummy food I packed. It kept me full for 4 hours till I reached Atlanta and bought a yogurt, which I ate with 8 kashi crackers that I packed from home.

I also packed some oats to make oatmeal in the morning, walnuts, a couple kashi granola bars, a packet of tuna (to eat in an emergency!) and some organic peanut butter crackers. You never know when you travel and I always like to be prepared. I figure in a pinch I could make a meal out of the tuna and peanut butter crackers if I buy some fruit and yogurt at the airport. Hopefully that won’t happen though!

When I reach my grandparent’s house later this evening I think we are just ordering pizza which is fine with me! I LOVE pizza…..I love to MAKE my OWN pizza and I load it up with all sorts of different kinds of veggies and use a homemade honey whole grain crust. That wont be going on tonight but I’m sure whatever pizza I will eat is going to be incredibly tasty. After burning all those running calories today I think I deserve a treat! I’m going to try to limit myself to 2 slices and eat all of my salad. I could seriously eat about 10 slices but never exceed 2. I have found that even if I am a little bit hungry after a meal, drinking water and waiting about 20 minutes seems to cure it. A lot of times when we THINK we are hungry, we really are just thirsty! If you ate a meal an hour ago that was balanced and you know you “shouldn’t” be hungry so soon after, drink a huge glass of water….it helps get to that next snack!

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  • Ashley
    January 17, 2008 at 6:11 pm

    could you post your recipe for the wheat pizza crust that you mentioned that woud be great! I have been looking for a good one. thanks!

  • jenna
    January 17, 2008 at 6:27 pm


    The recipe for the pizza crust is listed under “Whole wheat foccacia” in the recipes section. You just roll it out to be a pizza shape rather than a rectangle and load it up with sauce and toppings! Its really good!

  • Eat, Live, Run » Blog Archive » My Anniversary!
    December 9, 2008 at 3:04 pm

    […] a link to my very first post . First of all, I can’t believe that a year ago I ran 6 miles! Go me! But if you read further […]

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    July 2, 2009 at 7:57 pm

    […] my first blog post EVER on Dec 9, 2007 was when I was traveling up to Milwaukee to visit my grandparents. Does this sound […]

  • Eat, Live, Run » Blog Archive » Well Oiled
    May 5, 2010 at 4:02 pm

    […] started this blog in 2007 while at my grandparent’s house in Milwaukee! Let me present my first post ever, titled simply “airport adventures”. I was much better at packing little airplane […]

  • RhodeyGirl
    May 6, 2010 at 5:01 am

    I love reading first posts!!!

  • Corinne
    May 6, 2010 at 7:12 am

    Awww! Love this. Everyone has to start somewhere, and the tip about drinking water and waiting when you feel like you could be hungry is so true. Always does the trick for me!

  • Corinne
    May 6, 2010 at 7:12 am

    Awww! Love this. Everyone has to start somewhere, and the tip about drinking water and waiting when you feel like you could be hungry is so true. Always does the trick for me!

  • Danica
    May 6, 2010 at 10:12 am

    I am with Sabrina ~ I totally LOVE reading first posts. I LOVE how you described everything versus taking pictures 😀

    Have a fun trip back down memory lane this weekend!