
Oats From Scotland

Well, I def. didn’t make it to school this morning….I was up most of the night and then when that alarm went off at 6 I just couldn’t do it…so i called my chef professor and told her I was sick and that I couldn’t make it today. She knew I was sick because I told her my throat hurt yesterday and I do have a doctor’s note so I won’t be penalized for not being there but I still feel bad not going!! When I finally got back out of bed at 8:15 I made a bowl of scottish oats with peanut butter and banana. Nice and easy on the ol’ throat…good thing I love oatmeal! The crappy part is that these painkillers are sort of killing my hunger as well but I know I need to get something in my stomach so I only could force down half of the bowl right now. SO unlike me. I made some herbal cinnamon tea as well to help soothe my throat.

For all of you guys wondering (I’ve had a few questions about this), there IS a difference between scottish oats and regular “american” oats. Scottish oats are much thicker and larger…often times called “jumbo porridge oats” or just “jumbo oats”. They are the same calories as Quaker Old Fashioned, with 150 for a half cup serving, but I think they are much more satisfying, particularily because of their size! They really fill up my bowl and provide a good, chewy texture that I seem to crave. I go back and forth with these and steel-cut oats…buying one at the grocery store one week and then alternating a few weeks later just to switch things up. I like to make Swiss Oatmeal with scottish oats by combining them with a little milk the night before along with walnuts and dried fruit then mixing in greek yogurt and honey in the morning (see recipe in recipes section). Overall—I just love oats!

Sorry ahead of time if today my food is sort of boring…..I’m just going to be eating soft, comforting, “sick” food so it won’t be like my usual fare at all. 🙁


I only ate half of this….coming in at around 205 calories. 🙁 I’ll try again later.

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  • Susan Barnes
    January 8, 2008 at 2:21 pm

    I hope you feel better, you sound so sick! The worst part of being sick is when you no longer live with your mom to make you soup (haha!). I have a question, but please don’t worry about answering it until you feel better.

    You said scottish oats are bigger than regular, but are those the same as steel-cut? What brand scottish and/or steel cut do you buy?

    Also, I typically microwave my oatmeal in the morning with all milk and no water. I would like to try your idea of cooking my oatmeal on the stove the night before (I do a whole glass of milk b/c its the easiest way for me to get alot of calcium in my day). Is it possible to do that with scottish oats with all milk (I afraid to let the milk boil since it curdles and am afraid to do the overnight soak method since that would require milk sitting out).

    Lastly, what brand jam do you use?

  • VeggieGirl
    January 8, 2008 at 2:28 pm

    oh no!! get well soon, and stay nourished!!

  • arimcg
    January 8, 2008 at 2:50 pm

    I’m sure you’ve thought of this, but you should make a smoothie! I love throwing peanut butter, banana, some ice, milk and sometimes a little protein powder (thickens it up and makes it really creamy) in the blender with a couple shakes of cinnamon. It’s really good – same flavors as your oatmeal, I guess, but the cold would feel good on your throat. Healthy too! I actually might have to make this for lunch today – it’s supposed to by 65 degrees in NY!

  • Shelley
    January 8, 2008 at 3:14 pm

    How do you cook oatmeal the night before without it turning into cement by the next day?

  • aimee
    January 8, 2008 at 3:22 pm

    Hi Jenna,
    I’ve just started reading this blog and I must say that i am thoroughly impressed! I’ve been reading through older posts and I LOVE how you’re a culinary student and that you make the most delicious-looking meals, while also being health-conscious and focusing on nutrition. SO impressed. Keep up the good work and I can’t wait to try out some of your ideas in my own kitchen. =)


    PS: I hope you feel better soon!!!

  • jenna
    January 8, 2008 at 3:41 pm

    DOn’t worry about it–answering comments is one thing I can do today while I just roam around in a robe and my pajamas. Gives me something to do 🙂 Scottish oats and steel cut oats are quite different. Steel cut oats are oats that have been actually “cut” into 2 or 3 pieces…hence the name! They are smaller, tougher and the actual groat portion of the oat (aka the oat kernal itself). Scottish oats are rolled out but larger than plain old normal rolled oats. Scottish oats (and rolled oats in general) take alot less time to cook because they are the oat, not the groat. Understand? You probably didn’t think there was so much to a tiny oat, did you?! I buy “Old Wesses Ltd 100% Natural Whole Grain Scottish Syle Porridge Oats”…I can only find these at whole foods and similar health food stores though. I also buy Bob’s Red Mill brand of steel cut oats, which you can probably find easily at your local grocery store.

    It is def. possible and quite delicious if you use all milk to make your oats. Don’t worry about it curdling…I’ve done this for a long time and that has never happened! Just pour 1 cup milk and the oats into a saucepan and remember to stir while they simmer…it only takes a few minutes and the results are superior! It is much more like a thick “porridge” than just plain oatmeal. Very good and good for you!!!

    Lastly- I use Bonne Maman Raspberry Preserves…it imported from france, therefore a little more pricey (i think its 5.99) but SO worth it. Its the kind I ate while living in Paris and when I found it here was so excited because it tastes nothing like any jam I have ever had…and I am a raspberry-jam addict! I put it on everything!!! Pancakes, waffles, toast, yogurt, cookies……this type has nothing artificial at all in it and tastes wonderful heated to make a raspberry syrup as well. Look for it at your local grocery store!

  • jenna
    January 8, 2008 at 3:44 pm


    I barely cook them….I let the oats boil/simmer for only a few minutes and when its still quite soupy and underdone I pour them into a bowl, cover it with wax paper and put in the fridge. overnight the oats absorb the rest of the water and turn nice and creamy! Good question!

  • jenna
    January 8, 2008 at 3:45 pm

    Thanks Aimee! I dont think my food will be very glamorous today but hopefully its still somewhat inspiring!! 🙂 Thanks for reading!