
Writer’s Block

Mornin’ y’all!

Happy Tuesday 🙂

I actually slept horrible last night but I’m about to make some tea and do some writing to cheer myself up. I’ve got a lot on my mind these days and its taking me forever to fall asleep!

For breakfast I had an yogurt bowl with a blueberry Oikos and a combo of MojaMix, MixMyGranola and Nature’s Path granola with blueberries!

So, as most of you know, I write freelance for True/Slant. I basically can write about whatever I like (which is awesome), but I’m having a little case of writer’s block. Are there any topics you would like to see me write about there? Think food, wine and nutrition. I’m open and want to hear what YOU want to read about! 🙂
This morning I’m running 2 1/2 miles on the treadmill, writing an article and having lunch with my mom. I was going to wake up early and run outside……but….I didn’t fall asleep until 1 am so I figured I would just run on the treadmill (and take a steam afterwards!). Meh
See you in a bit!

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  • Allie Katie
    July 28, 2009 at 8:20 am

    I am a Fage girl till the end, but I might have to sample some Oikos soon! It looks so good!!
    As for True/Slant, I would love for you to write a post about they year in college that you became fitness focused. I know you’ve mentioned here that you started going to Yoga every day, and I’d love to hear about your journey of becoming a yoga addict (in a good way!!). Yoga is the hardest form of exercise for me because I get so intimidated in class!

  • Whitney
    July 28, 2009 at 8:23 am

    Hey Jenna! I love your True/Slant articles! They pretty much rock. I don’t know if you have covered this yet, but what about writing about complex carbs? So many people will still not touch carbs due to the low carb craze that it’s ridiculous. I think people need to hear that carbs are good for you!

  • Christina MINDFUL LIVING
    July 28, 2009 at 8:27 am

    hmmm (1) benefits of yoga (2) your “story” (3) proper serving sizes (3) losing weight in a healthy way (4) what you should be eating each day- as far as carbs/fats/proteins go.

  • Erica
    July 28, 2009 at 8:28 am

    Yummy bfast. Love the mixing of granolas. What about the positives and negatives of using soy? Seems to b a hot topic. Or maybe how to create a restaurant experience at home? That could be fun.

  • Mara @ What's For Dinner?
    July 28, 2009 at 8:31 am

    I think it would be wonderful to see your yoga story on there, as it fascinates me!!

  • katie s
    July 28, 2009 at 8:31 am

    I’m sorry you’ve been having trouble sleeping, Jenna! I’m right there with ya… I start culinary school in less than a week so I am just all nerves right now! I wish there was a way to just turn my mind off at night hehe

    As for article suggestions… Well I think anything with wine is veryy interesting ;).. Maybe something with wine pairings? I read an article in Health (or maybe self, hehe I can’t remember!) about the benefits of eating eggs, I know you like eating eggs with your salad so maybe something about that? Or what about something with healthy desserts??

    Good luck!!!

  • Jill
    July 28, 2009 at 8:32 am

    I’d love to learn more about nutrition for runners.

  • Jamie in Arkansas
    July 28, 2009 at 8:34 am

    Hi Jenna!
    I would love to see you write about your top 10 favorite foods and how you like to prepare them!
    P.S. LOVE your blog!!!

  • brit
    July 28, 2009 at 8:39 am

    i was actually just thinking about this the other day! i was thinking, “oh, it’d be cool if jenna wrote a true/slant article about her tips for grocery shopping–your staples, meal-planning, cost-cutting tips, etc.

  • Michele
    July 28, 2009 at 8:40 am

    It might be nice to do some research and write about the ridiculous regulations regarding transfat and food labels. You can view the regulations at

    Increasing awareness of the 0.5 rules are very important.

  • Nancy Woodbury
    July 28, 2009 at 8:43 am

    1) How about healthy eating without meat? We gave up meat (red meat and poultry) several years ago and I feel we are eating too many carbs (i.e. pasta, potatoes, etc.) in place of the meat.
    2) What to eat before an intense workout like spinning and what to eat afterwards to help your body refuel.

  • megan
    July 28, 2009 at 8:47 am

    I’d love to hear about proper serving sizes, or keeping variety in your diet (which you’re great at!) or even how to eat well without spending a ton of money (i struggle with that), or how you plan your meals (do you plan in advance for the week, or is it spur of the moment?).

  • Kiki (Run Kiki Run)
    July 28, 2009 at 8:50 am

    i would like to see some articles on healthy (possibly meat-free), filling meals that one could prepare in advance – say night before – and take to work. My office doesnt have a microwave, only a fridge, so it was to be something that can be eaten cold or at room temp…. Any ideas? 🙂 x

  • Christie @ Quit Your Diet
    July 28, 2009 at 8:51 am

    I’d love to see an article about how the French eat and how they focus more on enjoying food rather than how “healthy” a food is. Studies show that even though the French eat the richest food, they are the healthiest and I think that is a message that most Americans need to see.

  • Taylor
    July 28, 2009 at 8:54 am

    Hey Jenna! Yummy colorful breakfast. I don’t know if you have written about this yet, but I would love to read about pairing your favorite wines with your favorite meals. I love wine, but sometimes get confused with which wines would pair up with certain dishes???!

  • Jenna
    July 28, 2009 at 8:55 am

    your breakfast has me craving some greek yogurt!!

  • Lauren
    July 28, 2009 at 8:55 am

    Oh how I hate writer’s block! I honestly had the worst case of writer’s block for an entire year…this ironically coincided with my first year of grad school, when I was working towards an MFA in Creative Writing. Excellent timing.

    One important thing to remember is that writer’s block isn’t something that technically ‘exists.’ It’s usually a symptom of you putting too much pressure on yourself to produce the perfect story, poem, article, etc. When I feel this pressure, I try to step back from my work and ask myself what I really, truly, want to be writing. Do you have an inkling of an idea in your head, but aren’t sure that it will lead to a compelling article? I always recommend going with it!

    Sometimes I find it very useful to do free writing, as well. Just take a few minutes and write down literally whatever words or phrases come to your mind. It’s so interesting to see what you come up with. Oftentimes, these free writing exercises lead to really good work, because they open up the channels, so the speak, and afford you the freedom to explore your thoughts.

    Good luck! You will definitely overcome your writer’s block. As for article ideas, I would love to read something about eating intuitively–it’s such a simple, straightforward concept, but so difficult for many people, women and men, to enact in their own lives. You seem to be a very intuitive eater, knowing innately what your body needs and honoring your hunger and fullness. Have you always been this way, or is it something you have had to consciously work on over time?

  • megan
    July 28, 2009 at 9:00 am

    Morning Jenna!
    Do not fret about your writers block…you will get over that soon!!! You are such an amazing writer and I look forward to reading your blog and articles. I would love for you to write about yoga or strength training…maybe just some tips or what not?
    I hope you have a beautiful day today and enjoy lunch with your Mom!

  • april
    July 28, 2009 at 9:03 am

    Hi Jenna! How about how you fuel for exercise? Or tips for not counting calories’?

  • blueberrybabe
    July 28, 2009 at 9:04 am

    i would love something about your healthy relationship with eating out at restaurants. so many women feel eating out is like eating poison! did u ever struggle with this and how did you get to where you are today? thanks!

  • Jenn
    July 28, 2009 at 9:09 am

    I have been having trouble sleeping since December! So, I feel your pain and lack of energy. Good luck. As for articles suggestions…what about the goods and bads (if there are any) on the sugars and carbs in fruit? Which ones are/might be “bad” for you? I have a friend who’s always trying the latest diet and did South Beach this year. But, she had to seriously limit fruit! I mean, how could God’s beautiful creations be bad for you?? Thanks for your blog! Love it and look forward to it MANY time a day:)

  • Nadia
    July 28, 2009 at 9:20 am

    I would love to see an article about strength training at the gym using the gym machines. I only do cardio while I’m there and I am a complete novice when it comes to strength training especially how long I should do each exercise to see results.

  • Rebecca
    July 28, 2009 at 9:20 am

    I get writers block ALL THE TIME! Maybe write an article about how you first got into nutrition and how easy/hard the transition was from your normal routine.
    Those blueberries look so yummy. I’m obsessed with blueberries!! I should have named by blog Blueberry Becca instead of Rosey Rebecca hahaha!

  • HM
    July 28, 2009 at 9:23 am

    healthy habit haters
    binge eating – what to do after you have downed that box of cookies
    how often to work out
    when it is safe to run (ie. not at night through parks)

  • KZ
    July 28, 2009 at 9:23 am

    How about how your food choices and intake will change once your training becomes more intense? When I ran my marathon last year, I had a hard time finding good examples to follow.

  • Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down)
    July 28, 2009 at 9:27 am

    Hope you’re sleeping better soon!! Some nights it’s just impossible to fall asleep, so I feel your pain!!

    How about some cool wine pairing ideas for people interested in throwing a wine tasting party? I remember a while back, reading an article that discussed some interesting taste pairings, but I can’t remember them…something like mixing popcorn with a particular wine, chocolate with another sort of wine, etc. I can’t remember the details, but I always thought it sounded like an interesting idea. 😀

  • Ellen (Peace In Motion)
    July 28, 2009 at 9:28 am

    looks like a wonderfully refreshing bowl!

  • Tammy (Defining Wellness)
    July 28, 2009 at 9:28 am

    I like Kiki’s idea because I’m always looking for portable lunch ideas. Blueberry babe, I understand where you are coming from! I’ve actually written about “forbidden” foods and restaurants because I suffered from this BIG TIME. Now I have a much healthier attitude about it, so it was a so wonderful to write about my experiences and share how I healed. I think Jenna has tons of tips in that area — she is one of the people who helped me.

  • Ada
    July 28, 2009 at 9:31 am

    Yum, that breakfast looks delish! Maybe for your article you could write about how you feel it is ok to cook with rich items, such as butter, in moderation and how living in France influenced your beliefs on this.

  • AmyJoGo
    July 28, 2009 at 9:33 am

    I agree with a couple other guests: the benefits of ‘eating french’ and intuitive eating.

    You often mention having lunch or going to the gym with one or both of your parents during the week. I’m curious about the kind of work they do that allows them such flexibility? Whatever they do, I’m definitely interested in having that kind of flexibility. Plus your mom seems to travel a lot for her job and any job that requires travel is of interest to me!!

  • rachel s
    July 28, 2009 at 9:35 am

    That bfast looks so yummy! How about an article on shopping ‘seasonally’ In order to save money, etc?

  • Runeatrepeat
    July 28, 2009 at 9:35 am

    I would like you to write about using fat to bake and cook. So many of us always use low fat subs to cook and I know you said you use butter to make eggs and it makes all the difference!

  • Shelly
    July 28, 2009 at 9:40 am

    What about high cholesterol foods like eggs and shrimp? Are they good for you/bad for you/ okay in moderation? My bf and I keep debating this one.

  • Elizabeth
    July 28, 2009 at 9:40 am

    How about an article on how much we all really need to work out to be healthy? I find that so confusing, and always feel like I’m not working out enough unless I work out every day.

  • Anne P
    July 28, 2009 at 9:41 am

    Ugh, good call on the treadmill… I ran 5 miles outside this morning and wanted to cry. The last two miles I literally was just imagining chugging large quantities of water over and over again in my head. Damn you, heat!!

  • Tiana
    July 28, 2009 at 9:44 am

    I think a useful article would be one that talks about how to make up or recover from a weekend of “bad eating or drinking”. I know that it can be so discouraging when you attempt to be so healthy and are on the right track, then a holiday or big splurge makes it all the more difficult to get back on track!

  • Holly
    July 28, 2009 at 9:50 am

    I love to see your take on:
    1) Eggs! as an affordable protein source; the white V. the yolk; nutrients, etc…
    2) Omega 3s V Omega 6s and the importance of balance
    3) Motivation to stay healthful and how it’s ok (maybe even necessary) to splurge once in a while
    4) Pre/Post-workout fueling
    5) Healthy dinner ideas

    Good luck!!

  • Nicole
    July 28, 2009 at 10:04 am

    I’m sure that you know a little something about cheese. Maybe you could write about that. I was looking for a cheese to pair a chutney that I’d bought with and some wine, and it was harder than I thought it would be. There are SO many different types!

  • Nadine
    July 28, 2009 at 10:07 am

    I think you should write about how to stay true to your diet while dealing with stressful situations. Your Murphy-Goode/Cambria experience was awesome, but it’s obvious that you’re still stressed and working through the loose ends to come to some sort of agreement with them. What are some healthy ways to deal with stress that don’t involve ice cream or freshly baked bread? That would be a great article!

  • anne
    July 28, 2009 at 10:11 am

    Maybe an article about keeping a good variety of healthy food in your diet? I tend to eat the same tried and true snacks and meals.

  • Richard
    July 28, 2009 at 10:16 am

    Loved your last article about nuts. It reminded me that when I try and eat salted nuts, it often triggers eating too many of the nuts. But when I eat raw or dry-roasted nuts (without any salt), I don’t have that problem and can eat just a small amount. So I’ve learned about myself that “salt is a trigger” to possible over-eating. I’m writing this because maybe a possible article you could write is something along the lines of “It is important that we identify our own personal over-eating triggers, and then stay away from them.” Love your blog. Keep up the great work!

  • Danielle
    July 28, 2009 at 10:17 am

    Yummy breakfast, I don’t have any ideas for your articles but it looks like other commenters have some great ideas!

  • Kelly
    July 28, 2009 at 10:21 am

    I would like to hear what you have to say about raw diets.

  • kate
    July 28, 2009 at 10:27 am

    Hi Jenna,
    How about a “mix-n-match” food article. Take 10 (or however many you want to include) staple food items and mix them in different ways to make yummy things to eat. Like in a fashion mag, but not with clothes! Fun!

  • Heather @ Health, Happiness, and Hope
    July 28, 2009 at 10:29 am

    Sorry to hear about your difficult night of sleep. It’s always hard to hit the sack when your mind is racing! Good luck on the article.

  • Kristina
    July 28, 2009 at 10:37 am

    Hi Jenna, How about tips on how to stay motivated when making a healthy lifestyle change such as losing weight, training for a race, etc.

  • Cynthia (It all changes)
    July 28, 2009 at 10:42 am

    I would love to see an article about how to build a better breakfast that doesn’t make you starving before lunch.

    I also love the commenter who suggested a mix and match thing. I like trying new recipes (that’s why I read the blogs) and to have a guide for how to mix the staples into great meals would be great.

  • Donna
    July 28, 2009 at 10:46 am

    Hi Jenna-

    I would love for you to write about complex carbs vs. simple carbs, as well as natural sugars vs. processed sugars. Have a great day!


  • Teddy
    July 28, 2009 at 10:50 am

    I’ve noticed i’ve had a problems sleeping lately too. Do you have any advice on “sleep tips” or things to avoid before bed?


  • Holly
    July 28, 2009 at 10:52 am

    being a writer too, there is nothing worse than writer’s block! hmmm…food trends? new workouts? you could go try something new then report back on it – like a funky class or something? there are lots of political issues right now with health care – universal health reform? should insurance companies compensate for gym memberships? stress busting. if i think of anything else, i will let you know miss jenna!

    happy day to you!

  • Taryn
    July 28, 2009 at 10:57 am

    Hi Jenna–I’m new to your blog! I think a lot of this stuff has been covered already. Who wants to keep reading about eating whole wheat? Not I. I’d really like to learn about how to incorporate more fresh produce into my diet, while mostly cooking for one, without it going bad…and like, how to use up vegetables for multiple meals over the course of a few days. This would work well with Kate’s (#44) suggestion, I bet!

  • britt
    July 28, 2009 at 10:59 am

    sorry to hear you’ve been down the past day or so. that can definitely affect the way you sleep at night and function during the day. i hope the workout and then lunch with your mom helps. and good luck on the true/slant article! no ideas right now but will let you know if i think of something. seems i have writer’s block as well 🙂

  • Allie (Live Laugh Eat)
    July 28, 2009 at 11:00 am

    I love reading about the French lifestyle and dining style. It’s such a contrast from how we live life here and I always try and incorporate it into my own lifestyle. Or maybe how you live a balanced lifestyle with a healthy approach to food and how you got there!

  • Mandy A
    July 28, 2009 at 11:03 am

    Sorry about the writer’s block! You always do an incredible job, so I’m sure you’ll get past it quickly once you get started!

    How about something on how to balance your work outs? Getting in cardio, strength training and a yoga without going overboard? I love to have all three in my work out plan but some how end up missing out on something throughout the week! Love to hear some great tips on balancing it all!

  • Andee (Runtolive)
    July 28, 2009 at 11:09 am

    Hi Jenna! I love your TrueSlant articles and would love to read some articles on budget meal planning. I know you plan out all your meals, but are you able to stay on budget now that you live with Ryan? And how do you plan your meals each week? Based on taste preference/what’s on sale/budget etc? I’m a writer for L.A Easy Meals Examiner and I am also having writer’s block this morning. I think I’m going to write a couple 15 minute meal ideas and no-bake pizza recipes.

  • Jennifer C.
    July 28, 2009 at 11:18 am

    It seems like you have a really balanced relationship wioth food: you eat really healthy, but also allow yourself to indulge, seemingly without guilt. A good topic for your piece might be cultivating a healthy rather than obsessive attitude about healthy eating and junk-food treats. I tend to be obsessive: swinging from one extreme to the next. How can we obtain a sense of balance without becoming too conscious of every nutrient entering our bodies?
    Thanks! Love your blog.

  • Susan
    July 28, 2009 at 11:20 am

    You should write about what it’s like to leave your stable job and pursue your passions! 🙂

    Sorry about the not sleeping 🙁 Good call on sticking to the treadmill today. Sleep is more important than running outdoors.

  • Megan
    July 28, 2009 at 11:20 am


    I have noticed more and more and more kinds of milk subsitutes on the shelf now- soy, rice, almond, hemp- which is best/differences for a topic… thansk

  • Denise
    July 28, 2009 at 11:29 am

    man oh man, that looks like one big bowl of tastiness
    i am feeling worse and worse about my breakfast this morning as i go through all my favorite foodie blogs .. hehe

    as for topics, i would be interested in learning a bit about the relationship between food and working out. ie – what kinds of foods (if any) are good to eat before a work out, and after a work out, and how long you should wait after eating to start a run 🙂

  • Jenni
    July 28, 2009 at 11:29 am

    I agree with the many suggestions above about milk substitutes. That is something that I am very interested in learning more about.
    On another note — I wanted to let you know that I am currently enjoying my first Oikos yogurt (topped with coconut, mango and bananas) right now, thanks to your posts. I figured I would give it a try and I LOVE IT! I plan to order some MojaMix later this week, as well.
    Thanks for your posts!

  • Krissy - Single Serving
    July 28, 2009 at 11:39 am

    Hmmm. As a topic for you – I’d love to know how you do your healthy substitutions in baking. I know you mentioned you are anti-applesauce so I was wondering what tips you have to make treats healthier.

  • Amy
    July 28, 2009 at 11:49 am

    I would love to hear about how you got into yoga!

  • Carolina Girl
    July 28, 2009 at 11:59 am

    I would love to know your thoughts on running on the treadmill vs. running outside. I have been running on the treadmill, but soon need to start training outside. It’s going to be tougher, I know. I know that technically falls under exercise and not those topics you mentioned. But thought maybe sometime you could give us your thoughts /advice. 🙂

  • Maura
    July 28, 2009 at 12:13 pm

    What about whether it’s a myth that eating after say 8pm is bad for you? My trainer told me it is a myth, but so often I hear that you’re supposed to cut off food consumption at 7-8p. My trainer told me I could eat at 10p if I wanted, as long as it was healthy food. Her words, “It’s not when you eat, it’s what you eat.” Don’t know if I’m buying it. Would love your take 🙂

  • Teresa
    July 28, 2009 at 12:24 pm

    FOOD COMBINING! What do you think about it? Do you follow it at all? How it works and why people might follow strict food combining. I hear some people swear by it and others who say it’s codswallop. Just an idea… although it appears that you have lots of new ideas! Good luck choosing.

  • Amy Pacheco
    July 28, 2009 at 12:27 pm

    Hey Jenna! I am also a fan of your true/slant articles and would love for someone to write about “weekend eating” and tips on not letting poor food choices carry on into the following week!

  • OrganicAshley
    July 28, 2009 at 12:30 pm

    What a beautiful blue breakfast! Sign me up that looks great!!

    I think an article on how to get calcium when eating dairy free. in my opinion its much healthier to eat dairy free but many people are terrified of not getting enough calcium. It could help to inform them that there are better ways to get calcium that are more easily absorbed and easier on the body like sesame seeds in tahini.

  • K
    July 28, 2009 at 12:42 pm

    Sorry about the sleeping issues – those aren’t fun 🙁 I had my share of insomnia last week so I feel your pain. Hope you get a good night of rest soon!

  • Amy L
    July 28, 2009 at 12:46 pm

    I think an interesting but possibly controversial topic may be on the raw food trend. Especially in blogger land…

  • leslie
    July 28, 2009 at 1:00 pm

    totally understand the writer’s block situation. i always think it’s a good idea to keep a list of topics as they enter your head, and then break each topic into a few parts that could turn into more than one article. so your article today could become 3 more about the pros and cons of buying in bulk, saving money buying local at a farmer’s market, and items that are worth stretching your budget (like good red wine, i think you said 🙂 ).

    i’d also love to read your thoughts on food combining. also, what about campaigns that focus more on calories than health? i’m thinking of things like calorie counts on menus, “guilt-free” labels on foods, 100-calorie packs, etc.

  • amani
    July 28, 2009 at 1:21 pm

    how about interviewing real, everyday people, maybe even some of your readers. Ask them how they manage to eat healthily while working, raising kids, going to school, traveling etc.

  • Donna Porter
    July 28, 2009 at 1:49 pm


    I was only recently introduced to the True/Slant articles. As far as nutrition, I would enjoy an article on gluten free living. My youngest daughter was diagnosed with central auditory processing disorder which often mimics autism. I have read a great deal on gluten free eating and how it aids children with autism. I have been playing around with it, but have no idea where to actually get started! I would love to see an article or two on special needs children and healthy eating, or gluten free eating and how to begin!

  • Michelle Hisae
    July 28, 2009 at 2:31 pm

    I can totally see how it might be hard for you to sleep with so much excitement lately! I hope your mind calms down a little… 🙂

  • Sara
    July 28, 2009 at 8:30 pm

    I agree with post #13. I’d love to hear your suggestions on what to pack for a healthy workday lunch.

  • Erin
    July 28, 2009 at 11:08 pm

    I’d love to read your thoughts about the recent number of “plus-size” shows (Drop Dead Diva, More to Love) hitting the airwaves — are they offering a familiar face to many Americans or mocking the issue of weight?

    I blogged about this yesterday ( but I’d be interested in your take on it.

  • Jessica
    July 29, 2009 at 1:22 am

    YUM! I love blue breakfasts!